Friday, June 22, 2012

How important is it to use visuals in the classroom?

I think it is incredibly important to incorporate visuals in the classroom.  Some students are visual learners while others are not and I think there needs to be a balance between the two.  Because there is more and more technology in the classroom now, having visual aids is not hard to do.  Educators are using visuals in many forms including, podcasts, videos, docu-cameras, pictures, etc.  One teacher, Dan Meyer, talked about the importance of using visuals and in what ways to use visuals in his blog ( Suzie Boss wrote an article about Dan Meyer and how he uses visuals in his classroom (  Meyer talks about how he is constantly looking for new visuals to bring into the classroom to enrich students learning further.  He talks about how teachers have a lot of creativity that they need to express and can do so by using visuals and other innovative teaching techniques/aids in the classroom.  He decided to try something on his blog where he posted 2 pictures of a costa rica license plate and a California license plate.  He asked teachers to comment on them by asking "What can you do with this?"  He knew teachers would come up with creative ways to use the pictures in the class.  He got lessons ranging from permutations to air quality to social justice, all based on two license plates.  I thought it was really interesting how he was able to get so much feedback that could be used.  He explained that teachers pushed beyond most obvious suggestions to come up with an original idea.  He also went on to say how blogs are a great place to get ideas for incorporating visuals into your lesson and  how to do so.  I think it is so important to use visuals as often as possible because it reinforces information/content.  I can relate to students who enjoy visuals because I myself am a visual learner.  There is something about actually seeing an object, picture, video, or whatever to further understand information.  The value of visuals and multiple resources or avenues for information is extreme.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly- I thought your blog post on visual learners was great. I think, as teachers, we are in a good position to make great improvements and differences in our students' learning. We can all identify with our students and the types of learners they are. We can use resources and aids that we have been exposed to as student teachers, but also draw upon our past experiences that were useful and meaningful to our learning. I think blogging, as you bring up in your reflection, is an excellent avenue to bring in and incorporate visuals into learning. I will have to look up Dan Meyer.
